Altimetria do caminho? Digamos ora sobe, muito, ora desce, muito. Após consultar estes dados num site, tive o meu primeiro susto. O caminho é bastante acidentado, pelo menos aparentemente. Mas nada me demove. Acho que vou repetir isto muitas vezes.
Altimetry of the way? Let us say however it goes up, a lot, however it goes down, a looot. I had my first scare after consult these data in a website. The way is very rough, at least pparently. But nothing dissuades me. I think that I will repeat this thought many times.
Altimetry of the way? Let us say however it goes up, a lot, however it goes down, a looot. I had my first scare after consult these data in a website. The way is very rough, at least pparently. But nothing dissuades me. I think that I will repeat this thought many times.